Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears

We have officailly made it into the third trimester of pregnancy #2, and before we know Quinn Natalia will be here to deprive Bobby and I of our sleep. Yay.....

What are Audz and I up to as we get closer to the finish line? Well, Audz has discovered how to push the dining room chairs out, climb on them, and then climb onto the table. She has also figured out how to climb onto the toilet and get into my mae up bag.

With that being said, my days are spent puling Audz off the the table and out of the bathroom repeatedly through out the day. That and buying giant bags of gummy bears, covering them in melted chocolate and comsuming them. Clearly I'm concerned about my gestational diabetes test next week.

What I'm really concerned about though is that it will blazenly hot at the exact same time that I will be massivley preggo, and how am I going to split my time between two really young children that both need a lot from me.

Oh man, the choices we make in this world. I was fully aware of the fact that I would be due in August when Bobby and decided to try for number two. I was just in denial about how hot it would be. Let's just hope that the swamp cooler doesn't crap out on us ths year.

At least the choice to make cocolate covered gummy bears was a delicious one.