Tuesday, December 27, 2011


This year was Audrey's first Christmas. Bobby and I were in two minds about getting her Christmas gifts this year. Part of us wanted buy all the freaking goodies you could possibly think of. The other part of us wanted to wrap up cords and boxes from when we moved, because we knew that she would enjoy that more than she would actual gifts.

So we decided to just get some small gifts for her. Audrey's birthday is a week after Christmas, so there are more presents to come.

Christmas morning came, and just like we expected, Audrey had more fun playing in the wrapping paper and leftover boxes from gifts than she did playing with her actual gifts.

In fact, Audrey has one of her toys with her right now and she enjoyed whacking her Uncle Andrew in the face more than the toys.

And that's how Audz took on Christmas.

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