Thursday, January 12, 2012

Prego Mego and the Birthday Party of Audz

Saturday, January 8th, 2012, was Audz's birthday party. Yes, I have a one year old. Time flies when you're chasing a child everywhere and making sure she's not getting into anything.

The party was a blast, there was lots of food and a lot of friends came to celebrate with Bobby and I. We eat, talked and watched Audrey destroy a cupcake. After destroying the cupcake, we cleaned up Audrey and changed her into a very important onsie.

Audz's special onsie said that she was going to be a big sister. Yes, that correct, I am currently cooking #2.I guess my life isn' crazy enough that I needed to throw another baby into the mix. Feel free to spread the news to that crazy busy body that lives down the street.

I'm really excited and quite nervous about the prospect of having two kids under the age of one. I figure I get the first two out of the way, I can wait a few years for the next ones to come.

Bobby and I have been asking Audrey if she is excited to be a big sister. Being barely one, she generally just smiles at us and then tries to get into trouble of some sort.

So Audz is going to be a big sister and she can't stay out of stuff.

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